Monday 24 October 2011

No different

A little poem i wrote a few years ago for my son - to help his friends (and him too) relate to him!

You may not understand me; I often feel that way too,
You may not understand my feelings, but I have them the same as you.

I get myself in a muddle, with the everyday things you do,
Homework, playing, getting dressed and often just doing up my shoe.

Lots of light and excitement sends me in a spin,
I can run around screaming and not really know where I’ve been.

I can become frustrated when things don’t work my way,
Concentrating I find hard, homework often goes astray.

I try really hard to be good, though sometimes it’s hard to control,
It’s like I’m on a time bomb and this really takes its toll.

It may seem as if I talk allot, especially out of turn,
My brain plays funny tricks on me; it’s something I’m trying to learn

I like the same things you do, but find it hard to express,
PE, I find tricky, as I don’t like getting dressed.

Running around playing games, I love having fun,
I may not understand all the rules, but this game needs to be won.

Please don’t think of me as different, as that makes me sad,
I try hard every day to not make you mad.

You may not understand me; I often feel that way too,
You may not understand my feelings, but my feelings are real and true.

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